Our successes

Ulittaniujalik National Park

A protected area of 5 293 km2


Created in 2016, Ulittaniujalik National Park, near Ungava Bay, is the second largest park in Quebec, with an area of 5293 km2.

The completion of the Ulittaniujalik National Park project is the result of exceptional collaboration between Inuit, Naskapi and government stakeholders to ensure the continuance of the Aboriginal way of life and the protection of northern ecosystems.

This new park permanently safeguards an important section of the legendary George River, unbroken stretches of representative forest and arctic tundra, part of the habitats of migratory caribou and the Nunavik Atlantic salmon population and the spectacular Pic Pyramide.

Montagnes blanches

Les montagnes blanches


Le parc national d'Ulittaniujalik

Tursujuq National Park and the Nastapoka River

Secondary Text is all caps by default

Groulx Mountains - Uapishka

Les Monts Groulx - Uapishka